Robustness evaluation against adversarial examples has become increasingly important to unveil the trustworthiness of the prevailing deep models in natural language processing (NLP). However, in contrast to the computer vision domain where the first-order projected gradient descent (PGD) is used as the benchmark approach to generate adversarial examples for robustness evaluation, there lacks a principled first-order gradient-based robustness evaluation framework in NLP. The emerging optimization challenges lie in 1) the discrete nature of textual inputs together with the strong coupling between the perturbation location and the actual content, and 2) the additional constraint that the perturbed text should be fluent and achieve a low perplexity under a language model. These challenges make the development of PGD-like NLP attacks difficult. To bridge the gap, we propose TextGrad, a new attack generator using gradient-driven optimization, supporting high-accuracy and high-quality assessment of adversarial robustness in NLP. Specifically, we address the aforementioned challenges in a unified optimization framework. And we develop an effective convex relaxation method to co-optimize the continuously-relaxed site selection and perturbation variables and leverage an effective sampling method to establish an accurate mapping from the continuous optimization variables to the discrete textual perturbations. Moreover, as a first-order attack generation method, TextGrad can be baked into adversarial training to further improve the robustness of NLP models. Extensive experiments are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of TextGrad not only in attack generation for robustness evaluation but also in adversarial defense.
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Generative models have been widely studied in computer vision. Recently, diffusion models have drawn substantial attention due to the high quality of their generated images. A key desired property of image generative models is the ability to disentangle different attributes, which should enable modification towards a style without changing the semantic content, and the modification parameters should generalize to different images. Previous studies have found that generative adversarial networks (GANs) are inherently endowed with such disentanglement capability, so they can perform disentangled image editing without re-training or fine-tuning the network. In this work, we explore whether diffusion models are also inherently equipped with such a capability. Our finding is that for stable diffusion models, by partially changing the input text embedding from a neutral description (e.g., "a photo of person") to one with style (e.g., "a photo of person with smile") while fixing all the Gaussian random noises introduced during the denoising process, the generated images can be modified towards the target style without changing the semantic content. Based on this finding, we further propose a simple, light-weight image editing algorithm where the mixing weights of the two text embeddings are optimized for style matching and content preservation. This entire process only involves optimizing over around 50 parameters and does not fine-tune the diffusion model itself. Experiments show that the proposed method can modify a wide range of attributes, with the performance outperforming diffusion-model-based image-editing algorithms that require fine-tuning. The optimized weights generalize well to different images. Our code is publicly available at
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The rectified linear unit (ReLU) is a highly successful activation function in neural networks as it allows networks to easily obtain sparse representations, which reduces overfitting in overparameterized networks. However, in network pruning, we find that the sparsity introduced by ReLU, which we quantify by a term called dynamic dead neuron rate (DNR), is not beneficial for the pruned network. Interestingly, the more the network is pruned, the smaller the dynamic DNR becomes during optimization. This motivates us to propose a method to explicitly reduce the dynamic DNR for the pruned network, i.e., de-sparsify the network. We refer to our method as Activating-while-Pruning (AP). We note that AP does not function as a stand-alone method, as it does not evaluate the importance of weights. Instead, it works in tandem with existing pruning methods and aims to improve their performance by selective activation of nodes to reduce the dynamic DNR. We conduct extensive experiments using popular networks (e.g., ResNet, VGG) via two classical and three state-of-the-art pruning methods. The experimental results on public datasets (e.g., CIFAR-10/100) suggest that AP works well with existing pruning methods and improves the performance by 3% - 4%. For larger scale datasets (e.g., ImageNet) and state-of-the-art networks (e.g., vision transformer), we observe an improvement of 2% - 3% with AP as opposed to without. Lastly, we conduct an ablation study to examine the effectiveness of the components comprising AP.
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The importance of learning rate (LR) schedules on network pruning has been observed in a few recent works. As an example, Frankle and Carbin (2019) highlighted that winning tickets (i.e., accuracy preserving subnetworks) can not be found without applying a LR warmup schedule and Renda, Frankle and Carbin (2020) demonstrated that rewinding the LR to its initial state at the end of each pruning cycle improves performance. In this paper, we go one step further by first providing a theoretical justification for the surprising effect of LR schedules. Next, we propose a LR schedule for network pruning called SILO, which stands for S-shaped Improved Learning rate Optimization. The advantages of SILO over existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) LR schedules are two-fold: (i) SILO has a strong theoretical motivation and dynamically adjusts the LR during pruning to improve generalization. Specifically, SILO increases the LR upper bound (max_lr) in an S-shape. This leads to an improvement of 2% - 4% in extensive experiments with various types of networks (e.g., Vision Transformers, ResNet) on popular datasets such as ImageNet, CIFAR-10/100. (ii) In addition to the strong theoretical motivation, SILO is empirically optimal in the sense of matching an Oracle, which exhaustively searches for the optimal value of max_lr via grid search. We find that SILO is able to precisely adjust the value of max_lr to be within the Oracle optimized interval, resulting in performance competitive with the Oracle with significantly lower complexity.
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Mutual Information (MI) based feature selection makes use of MI to evaluate each feature and eventually shortlists a relevant feature subset, in order to address issues associated with high-dimensional datasets. Despite the effectiveness of MI in feature selection, we notice that many state-of-the-art algorithms disregard the so-called unique relevance (UR) of features, and arrive at a suboptimal selected feature subset which contains a non-negligible number of redundant features. We point out that the heart of the problem is that all these MIBFS algorithms follow the criterion of Maximize Relevance with Minimum Redundancy (MRwMR), which does not explicitly target UR. This motivates us to augment the existing criterion with the objective of boosting unique relevance (BUR), leading to a new criterion called MRwMR-BUR. Depending on the task being addressed, MRwMR-BUR has two variants, termed MRwMR-BUR-KSG and MRwMR-BUR-CLF, which estimate UR differently. MRwMR-BUR-KSG estimates UR via a nearest-neighbor based approach called the KSG estimator and is designed for three major tasks: (i) Classification Performance. (ii) Feature Interpretability. (iii) Classifier Generalization. MRwMR-BUR-CLF estimates UR via a classifier based approach. It adapts UR to different classifiers, further improving the competitiveness of MRwMR-BUR for classification performance oriented tasks. The performance of both MRwMR-BUR-KSG and MRwMR-BUR-CLF is validated via experiments using six public datasets and three popular classifiers. Specifically, as compared to MRwMR, the proposed MRwMR-BUR-KSG improves the test accuracy by 2% - 3% with 25% - 30% fewer features being selected, without increasing the algorithm complexity. MRwMR-BUR-CLF further improves the classification performance by 3.8%- 5.5% (relative to MRwMR), and it also outperforms three popular classifier dependent feature selection methods.
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Long-range time series forecasting is usually based on one of two existing forecasting strategies: Direct Forecasting and Iterative Forecasting, where the former provides low bias, high variance forecasts and the latter leads to low variance, high bias forecasts. In this paper, we propose a new forecasting strategy called Generative Forecasting (GenF), which generates synthetic data for the next few time steps and then makes long-range forecasts based on generated and observed data. We theoretically prove that GenF is able to better balance the forecasting variance and bias, leading to a much smaller forecasting error. We implement GenF via three components: (i) a novel conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based generator for synthetic time series data generation, called CWGAN-TS. (ii) a transformer based predictor, which makes long-range predictions using both generated and observed data. (iii) an information theoretic clustering algorithm to improve the training of both the CWGAN-TS and the transformer based predictor. The experimental results on five public datasets demonstrate that GenF significantly outperforms a diverse range of state-of-the-art benchmarks and classical approaches. Specifically, we find a 5% - 11% improvement in predictive performance (mean absolute error) while having a 15% - 50% reduction in parameters compared to the benchmarks. Lastly, we conduct an ablation study to further explore and demonstrate the effectiveness of the components comprising GenF.
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Low-dose computed tomography (CT) plays a significant role in reducing the radiation risk in clinical applications. However, lowering the radiation dose will significantly degrade the image quality. With the rapid development and wide application of deep learning, it has brought new directions for the development of low-dose CT imaging algorithms. Therefore, we propose a fully unsupervised one sample diffusion model (OSDM)in projection domain for low-dose CT reconstruction. To extract sufficient prior information from single sample, the Hankel matrix formulation is employed. Besides, the penalized weighted least-squares and total variation are introduced to achieve superior image quality. Specifically, we first train a score-based generative model on one sinogram by extracting a great number of tensors from the structural-Hankel matrix as the network input to capture prior distribution. Then, at the inference stage, the stochastic differential equation solver and data consistency step are performed iteratively to obtain the sinogram data. Finally, the final image is obtained through the filtered back-projection algorithm. The reconstructed results are approaching to the normal-dose counterparts. The results prove that OSDM is practical and effective model for reducing the artifacts and preserving the image quality.
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We integrate contrastive learning (CL) with adversarial learning to co-optimize the robustness and accuracy of code models. Different from existing works, we show that code obfuscation, a standard code transformation operation, provides novel means to generate complementary `views' of a code that enable us to achieve both robust and accurate code models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic study to explore and exploit the robustness and accuracy benefits of (multi-view) code obfuscations in code models. Specifically, we first adopt adversarial codes as robustness-promoting views in CL at the self-supervised pre-training phase. This yields improved robustness and transferability for downstream tasks. Next, at the supervised fine-tuning stage, we show that adversarial training with a proper temporally-staggered schedule of adversarial code generation can further improve robustness and accuracy of the pre-trained code model. Built on the above two modules, we develop CLAWSAT, a novel self-supervised learning (SSL) framework for code by integrating $\underline{\textrm{CL}}$ with $\underline{\textrm{a}}$dversarial vie$\underline{\textrm{w}}$s (CLAW) with $\underline{\textrm{s}}$taggered $\underline{\textrm{a}}$dversarial $\underline{\textrm{t}}$raining (SAT). On evaluating three downstream tasks across Python and Java, we show that CLAWSAT consistently yields the best robustness and accuracy ($\textit{e.g.}$ 11$\%$ in robustness and 6$\%$ in accuracy on the code summarization task in Python). We additionally demonstrate the effectiveness of adversarial learning in CLAW by analyzing the characteristics of the loss landscape and interpretability of the pre-trained models.
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对抗性训练已被证明是捍卫对抗性例子的最有效的补救措施之一,但通常会遭受在看不见的测试对手身上巨大的稳定性概括差距,被认为是\ emph {对抗性强大的概括性问题}。尽管最初是针对对抗性强大的概括的初步理解,但从建筑的角度来看,知之甚少。因此,本文试图通过系统地检查最具代表性的体系结构(例如,视觉变压器和CNN)来弥合差距。特别是,我们首先对Imagenette和CIFAR-10数据集进行了对抗训练的架构\ Emph {20}对几个对手(多个$ \ ell_p $ -norm -norm对照攻击)的架构,并发现视觉变形金刚(例如,PVT,Coatnet)经常产生更好的对抗性稳定性。为了进一步了解哪种建筑成分有利于对抗性的强大概括,我们深入研究了几个关键的构建块,并通过Rademacher复杂性的镜头揭示了这一事实,即更高的重量稀疏性对更好的对手的视觉变形金刚的强大良好概括有很大贡献,这通常可以实现这一目标,这是可以实现的。通过注意层。我们的广泛研究发现了建筑设计与对抗性稳定的概括之间的密切关系,并实例化了一些重要的见解。我们希望我们的发现可以帮助更好地理解设计强大的深度学习体系结构的机制。
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